Bursary Management.

Student Mentorship.

Talent Development.

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National, Independant Bursary Organisation

Our Work

StudyTrust is an educational trust and public benefit organisation established in 1974, that connects learners with potential and determination to bursaries and scholarship opportunities. We administer bursaries and provide mentoring and support to help students thrive academically and personally. Our programmes complement students’ technical and academic skills, preparing them for  meaningful employment and to become active contributors to the economy. We help young people to access tertiary education, acquire professional skills and gain employment. 

Pooling resources to benefit students

Fee Free Education

We complement the Department of Higher Education Bursary Programme (as administered by NSFAS). We believe that the previous Minister of Higher Education included StudyTrust, its partners and donors when she said in Parliament on 17 May 2018: “I’m particularly grateful to those NGOs and those in the private sector who contribute to our post-school institutions across the country, through bursaries, donations and endowments”. Education is expensive and the government needs all the cooperation they can get. This is evidenced by the revised Skills Development category of the BEE codes where money spent on bursaries is richly awarded with BEE points.

Bursary Management

Advertising and Recruitment

We advertise bursaries through our schools, universities and NGO networks as well as digital and print advertising channels. We maintain an online application facility but also distribute hardcopy bursary applications forms on request.

Bursary Management

Processing Applications

We receive thousands of bursary applications every year and we verify all application data. Our team can seamlessly develop shortlists of qualifying bursary candidates in accordance with the selection criteria of our donors and sponsors.

Bursary Management


We select bursary students based on set criteria or guide the development of criteria to suit a funder’s development outcome. We also facilitate psychometric testing and arrange interviews and assessments to support the selection process. We have been trusted for 48+ years for being transparent, unbiased and fair.

Bursary Administration


We administer binding contracts between a student and a bursary funder, with the bursary terms and conditions (expected student achievement standards, work-back obligations, etc). Our strong relationships with tertiary institutions enables swift communication of information regarding an approved bursary, to ease a student’s registration.

Bursary Administration

Disbursements and Reporting

Our bursary payment system has strict financial controls built in and provides real-time financial reports. We are audited annually and provide financial reporting to a funder on the disbursement of funds. We issue Section 18A tax certificates for donations and provide records for BEE verification purposes.

Talent Development

Progress Monitoring

Our team tracks and monitors students’ academic progress and psychosocial wellbeing. The StudyTrust mentoring and support programme is informed by the self-determination theory of motivation and rests on the three pillars of individual attention (autonomy), belonging to an aspirational community (relatedness) and exposure to the skills needed to thrive (competence).


A South Africa where potential finds opportunity.

Our History

Our history is rooted in South Africa’s darkest moments of student uprisings, 1976. Established in 1974, our work from the onset was about empowerment and a call to act against unequal educational opportunities for students on the basis of race. Our 50 year history is a testament to our passion and drive to connect all students with potential and determination to study opportunities, through bursaries and scholarships. StudyTrust has since been a source of hope to young people who are eager to develop their capabilities and keen to break the cycle of poverty through education.


Some of our Bursary Sponsors
About Us
Level 1 QSE B-BBEE Contributor
Registered Educational Trust
PBO Tax Exempt

VAT registered

NPO Sustainability Rating
Level One (>91%)

50+ Years experience
R1 billion+ in bursaries to students

30 000+ Bursaries & scholarships awarded
UNHCR Implementing Partner


StudyTrust is an educational trust and public benefit organisation, that connects learners with potential to their study opportunities.

We administer bursaries and scholarships, provide mentoring and support to help tertiary students thrive academically and personally.


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