About Us

Our history is rooted in South Africa’s darkest hour, the student uprisings of 1976. Established in 1974 to promote equal education. our vision remains strong, 50 years later.


A South Africa where potential finds opportunity.

Our Story

StudyTrust is an educational public benefit organisation that connects learners with potential and determination to study opportunities. We administer bursaries and scholarships and provide mentoring and support to help tertiary students thrive academically and personally. Our programmes complement students’ technical and academic skills, preparing them for meaningful employment and to become active contributors to the economy.

Our History

Where it all began

StudyTrust was initiated as a response to the inequality in education that led to South Africa’s student uprisings of 1976. Our work was about empowerment and a call to action against unequal educational opportunities for students based on race. Our 50-year history is a testament to our passion and drive to connect all students, with potential and determination to study opportunities, through bursaries and scholarships. StudyTrust has since been a source of hope to young people who are eager to develop their capabilities and keen to break the cycle of poverty through education.

At a glance

Our scale & impact

Year history & experience

Bursaries and scholarships

Billion Rands in bursaries

Level QSE B-BBEE contributor


What Sets Us Apart

Our Services

Our services are clustered into Bursary Management and Administration, Student Mentorship and Talent Development.

Registered NPO

We are tax-exempt and may issue Section 18A tax receipts. Donations and grants may be verified for Socio-Economic, Skills and Enterprise Development rating purposes. Our level one BEE rating maximises contributions disbursed through us.


Our team manages the value chain of bursary management and talent development. We provide solutions across systems and platforms. Working with us means you deal with one accountable service provider.

About Us
Level 1 QSE B-BBEE Contributor
Registered Educational Trust
PBO Tax Exempt

VAT registered

NPO Sustainability Rating
Level One (>91%)

50+ Years experience
R1 billion+ in bursaries to students

30 000+ Bursaries & scholarships awarded
UNHCR Implementing Partner


StudyTrust is an educational trust and public benefit organisation, that connects learners with potential to their study opportunities.

We administer bursaries and scholarships, provide mentoring and support to help tertiary students thrive academically and personally.


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