
What Sets Us Apart

Our Services

Our services are clustered into Bursary Management and Administration, Student Mentorship and Talent Development.


Our work is the product of much research and refinement. Our experience enables us to deliver an excellent service to bursary funders and students.

Student Support

We support students through individual mentor conversations, creating communities of belonging and imparting important personal and career skills.

Success Indicators

We are at the forefront of research on the indicators for success at university for first generation tertiary students. Our student support services are constantly reviewed and revised to keep track of student needs. 

Registered NPO

We are tax exempt and may issue Section18 A tax receipts. Donations may be verified for Socio- Economic, Skills and Enterprise Development rating purposes. Our level one BEE rating maximises your contributions.


Our team manages the value chain of bursary management and talent development. We provide solutions across systems and platforms. Working with us means you deal with one accountable service provider.
Bursary Management

Advertising and Recruitment

We advertise bursaries through tertiary institutions, schools and NGO networks. Our website is optimised to show in “bursary” searches and we further recruit through social media channels. 

Bursary Management

Capturing Applications

Our team captures online and paper based bursary applications on our internal, independent online system. We can seamlessly develop a primary and secondary shortlist of potential bursary candidates, accommodating for students who may accept other offers.
Bursary Management


We select bursary students based on set criteria or we guide the development of criteria to suit a funder’s development outcome. We also facilitate psychometric assessments and interviews to support the selection process. We have been trusted for 48+ years for being transparent, unbiased and fair.

Bursary Administration


We develop binding contracts between a student and a bursary funder, with the bursary terms and conditions (expected student pass rates,etc). Our strong relationships with tertiary institutions, enables swift communication of information regarding an approved bursary, to ease a students registration.
Bursary Administration

Disbursements & reporting

Our bursary system has strict financial controls for payments and provides real-time financial reports. We are annually audited by and provide financial reporting to a funder on the disbursement of funds including issuing of Section 18A certificates for tax and BEE purposes.

Talent Development

Progress Monitoring

We track and monitor students’ academic and psychosocial progress. We identify their need for social-emotional support and mentoring for workplace readiness. StudyTrust provides opportunities for students to belong to an aspirational community of mutual care. 

About Us
Level 1 QSE B-BBEE Contributor
Registered Educational Trust
PBO Tax Exempt

VAT registered

NPO Sustainability Rating
Level One (>91%)

50+ Years experience
R1 billion+ in bursaries to students

30 000+ Bursaries & scholarships awarded
UNHCR Implementing Partner


StudyTrust is an educational trust and public benefit organisation, that connects learners with potential to their study opportunities.

We administer bursaries and scholarships, provide mentoring and support to help tertiary students thrive academically and personally.


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